About me

About Channelling

What I do

What is Channeling?

Channeling is our ability to consciously direct a specific energy through which we can be released from a lot while enhancing our own inner abilities. People from all times have been able to do channeling!

When I use this term myself, I’m usually referring to the ability to be a channel to our spiritual guides and light beings’ presence and offerings, to be a conductor to them and their vibrations while allowing them to act in our world. 

My experience


1000+ channeling and healing sessions around the world


Channeling the guides and the spiritual masters almost every day in my own time, learning, expanding my knowledge and following my path.


Wakan Medicine with Shaman Luma for 7 years: Life teachings and energy healing practice


Tianshi course for 7 years: Channelling energy healing and mediumship messages transmission


Enelph healing method: Very gentle massage energy healing for peace


Sound healing and channeled singing


TQH medical Qi gong and Qi massage

Welcome to

My Story

“I dream about a world where everyone would have the opportunity to express him\herself freely while respecting and enhancing each other.”

Hi, I’m Guillaume, I’m born in France where I lived for most of my life and now traveling the world. From the beginning of my adolescence, I’ve been looking for a sense to my existence and life in general. I was especially fascinated by the mysteries of life and our purpose on earth.

From 14 years old, I followed a Shaman from North America in order to comprehend my own purpose, why the world is acting the way it does and especially how our bodies’ systems work, mind, emotional, physical… It’s during this period that I started a healing course and began my journey as a healing therapist.

Things went on until one day I started to hear our spiritual guides, the different ascended masters as Buddha, Jesus, Mother Mary… and beings beyond our understanding. That’s also when, few time after this, I started the ‘Tianshi’ course to enhance my new abilities and continuing my journey. The Tianshi has transported me into the path of angels, a journey where everything is approached with gentleness, where everything is embraced, considered, and loved, in order to root us in the heart of what brings us well-being so that we can share it more effectively. 

After almost 20 years of personal evaluations, many trips all around the world and all the teachings I received from the Shaman, the other different teachers I had and from our spiritual light guides, my life has gently become more and more a playground within I have a lot of pleasure and discover who I am deeper and deeper in a conscious communion with our guides of light. That’s why I’m glad to present you this website and all the services, articles and podcasts it contains. My wish is to accompany you, to explore your own possibilities with you so you can walk on a path who really looks like you and make peace, joy and an infinite satisfaction grow up like I keep doing it myself.

Explore your potential

Online Workshops

Join inspiring workshops with the author of the book himself to unveil the keys of consciousness and establish a sacred connection with the Christic Masters of Orion. Embark on this journey to discover your full potential and walk your path amidst a rejuvenating wisdom.

Discover yourself

Prisma Therapy

Being welcomed in a space where you are truly considered, listened and seen as the unique being you are. 

This is what you are going to live during the Prisma Therapy sessions.

Prisma Therapy sessions are specifically designed to stimulate your potential, to help you to discover yourself...

Open yourself to the Infinite


Get inspired, watch and join the UnitedLove community by listening to the podcasts to enhance your vision of yourself and explore your possibilities.

Discover the truth of the world

United Love Journey of Discovery.

Connecting past, present and future on the most sacred energetic places on Earth to remember who we truly are.

I'm excited to offer you an invitation to bring you to some of the most sacred and highly energetic places on Earth such as the pyramids of Giza, the sacred Australian site Uluru, the Himalayas mountains... To share with you an unforgettable brotherhood transformational experience...

Discover yourself

Book your Prisma Therapy Session

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